World of Warcraft Quiz

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular games in the world with an enduring legacy — seriously, who hasn’t at least tried WoW?! Boasting millions upon millions of users and a successful lifespan that exceeds 14 years, there really is nothing quite like Blizzard’s MMO. But how much of a fan of Azeroth are you? Have you been raiding for years and ready to show off? Are you a being of magical might?! Time to find out. Welcome to the World of Warcraft quiz!

People love playing as the Hunter class in World of Warcraft! The character class attracts 11% of European players and 12% of users in the United States. That’s an insane amount of Hunters. The least popular class, however, is the poor unfortunate Monk, with only 5.8% of US gamers picking him and 6% of EU players. The Monk’s humility isn’t exactly attractive when you can hunt people down, I guess.