Can You Guess All These American Idioms?

“Cold turkey.” “Put up your dukes.” “Get your ducks in a row.” Whether they are related to history, culture, sports, or food, American idioms can be both eccentric and downright confusing to visitors from abroad and others from the English-speaking world. To avoid stumbling over these tricky turns-of-phrases and having misunderstandings, it helps to know these colloquial phrases. Think you have a strong command of American idioms? Take this 15-question multiple-choice quiz to find out. So without further ado, let’s “get the ball rolling”!

New words are being added to the lexicon every year. Much to the world’s dismay, various slang terms were recently added to the Oxford Dictionary such as “selfie,” “perf,” “hashtag,” “catfish,” “tweep,” and “cryptocurrency.” We wonder what will be added next!