Can You Guess These Airlines By Their Logo?

Hey jet-setters, we’ve heard all about your international lifestyle and sophisticated travelling sense—just how many countries have you visited again? Was it 30 or 50? We’ve lost track. Would you be able to name all the airlines you’ve flown on? After all, airlines are some of the world’s biggest and most recognizable brands and, if you think about it, can carry the duty of representing an entire country. In 2017, some 4,100,000,000 people took to the skies—whether or not you were one of them, the gate is closing and we have your meal preference noted, so we hope you sit back and enjoy our Can You Name These Airlines By Logo quiz!

It is estimated that approximately one in five people have a fear of flying—otherwise known as "aviophobia." This is often connected to a fear of heights and results in up to 20% of the population never getting on a plane by choice. Airlines must often engage in awareness campaigns to help people overcome their fear of flying, and safety records is certainly a critical factor when passengers select whom to give their business to.