Creative IQ-Test

Creative people have a high IQ and they are original and innovative thinkers with a preference for out-of-the box concepts. They can see connections where others can’t, and they have a highly developed sense of perception and an open mind that facilitates ground-breaking ideas. Creative people are stimulated by new ways of thinking and learning. Mozart, Vincent Van Gogh, Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Charles Dickens are all considered creative geniuses! This test is designed to test your creativity and innovation skills. At the end, you will get a score for each of the following categories: Abstraction, Connection, Perspective, Curiosity, Audacity, Paradox, Complexity, and Perseverance. Note in which categories you scored the highest, and you will better understand the scope of your creative thinking.

Creative people are often Intuitive-Feeling types on the Myers Briggs test. Individuals who possess a combination of Intuition and Feeling best characterize high scorers on creativity tests.