Which Cachet Is Real?

You are what you eat, as the saying goes… but do you actually know what you eat? Studying the list of ingredients on every pack of processed food could amount to a full-time job, and even if you just buy vegetables, it would be nice to know where they come from. A number of cachets have been created to help consumers with their buying decisions, indicating for example whether an item is organic, vegan, locally produced or from sustainable cultivation. Do you know your way around these? With this short test, you can find out how responsible a consumer you are – and put a label on yourself!

Of course, quality seals don’t only exist for groceries: there are labels for the quality of soft goods, cachets for “green” electricity, seals that guarantee the safety of toys, tools and electrical devices, labels for safe and sustainable make-up… the list goes on and on. It’s still the consumers’ responsibility to educate themselves on how meaningful the respective seals really are.